Aidan Comi's Coding Projects

See all the cool new projects Aidan has built.

Welcome to Aidan’s Portfolio Site!

This site is used to track my coding projects and as a portfolio to show what I’ve done!

Project: What Christmas Eve is It

Coded in JS and HTML in 1-2 hours as my first project with JS/HTML. Excited to learn even more!

Project: Clear your Cookies and Cache

This was quickly created to detect the browser and forward to the correct support page. This is open-source and can be found here

Project: Pages Site

This is hosted as a hidden repository on Github via Github Pages for giving random projects (videos, presentations, etc) their own page.

Project: DVD QR Code

Inspired by the Coinbase Superbowl Ad, I created a site to recreate that with a QR code to my site instead. The DVD bouncing was built by Stephen Zungia.

Project: Chris Pratt is Now Playing

This was quickly built after the announcement of Chris Pratt playing Mario and is fully open-source! You can find more info in the README on the Repository!

Project: r/Place Discord Bot

This was my first discord bot and is designed to help discord communities for r/Place. It will search for any messages that contain what it suspects are coordinates, ex (543, 221). This bot was built in Python and hosted on Replit.

Contact me

You can find my contact info here.